Monday, July 30, 2018

Who the Dash Cam Detective can help.

I can help any police force in the U.S. that wants an unfiltered, objective viewpoint about a Police Dash Cam Video. I can provide feedback that could help improve how the police respond in the future. However, I can also provide feedback as to the issue about heroism policies. 

Should a police officer ever be required to play the role of hero to save innocent lives? While the logical answer is no, sometimes a dash cam video may reveal nuances in which it can make sense to do the heroic thing to avoid a tragedy.

Most importantly, sometimes there nuances to all real time videos that can go missed. I often will see something in a video that has been missed. Sometimes the miss occur because there is a play by play or a narrative being spoken over the video that distracts.

My preference is to always work with police departments so they can be proactive going forward. However, I am open to attorneys who want a fresh perspective on a dash cam video. Sometimes it takes lawsuits to affect positive change.

My goal is to create awareness when it comes to dash cam video interpretations.

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